Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 136 – Who Discovered America?
In Episode 136 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Did Columbus really discover the Americas? I mean weren’t there people there already? And by the way, if not for historical events unfolding as they did, would many of us even exist now? Next we delve into the history of a couple of words – if you’re okay with that. Then Eloy quizzes Mark on a few strange facts, which leads to a discussion on word pronunciations in various languages, using veggies to find lost jewelry, online security, and much more. Strap yourself in for this mishmash of an episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast, with your hosts, Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo,…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 135 – Hypothetical Island
In Episode 135 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Is there really such thing as nothing? Does light have weight? Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay wax slightly pseudo-philosophical as they ponder the unknown. As usual, Mark digresses into the subject of Aposematism. Yes, it’s a thing! Look it up! The podcast suddenly takes turn toward a darker theme, as Eloy asks about survival on a hypothetical island, totally devoid of plant or animal life. In a desperate attempt to change the subject, Mark makes another movie suggestion, and Eloy reveals the fact that he finally saw a movie that has been recommended by several of his friends – The Princess Bride.…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 134 – Dubs and Dupes
In Episode 134 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: All those old VHS and Cassette tapes! Looking back, you may have a lot of those in a closet or garage just collecting dust. Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay look back on the electronic gizmos of the past, some of the quirks they had, and how they try to transfer them digitally. The next topic under discussion is regular people with amazing hobbies. In particular, people that create themed rooms and spaces in their homes, with amazing detail. There’s one father out in Utah that has recreated a section of Disneyland in his basement! Well, the Trampled Underfoot Podcast hosts talk about…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 133 – Comfortably Dumb
In Episode 133 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Does a person’s attitude, likability, or personality change as we age, or do we maintain the same type of personality throughout our lives? Mark Lindsay has some opinions about it that might be just the opposite of what you think. Eloy Escagedo then shares his thoughts following his viewing of a video concerning a scientific round-table discussion of the Cambrian Explosion. They came to the conclusion that the math just doesn’t add up. Had enough time passed since the earth’s creation for such complex organisms to naturally evolve? Next the conversation gets into a scientific study that led to what’s become known…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 132 – A Golden Flashback To The Summer Of 69, Before You Were Born, Remember Kids?
In Episode 132 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Chicago the band, do you enjoy the early years more than the ballad years of the 80s? Mark Lindsay has some very direct opinions about it. Eloy Escagedo asks Mark; Didn’t the heart-felt, love ballads tug a little at your heart strings, Mark? Next the conversation gets into guilty pleasure music. Meaning, songs that’s you’d enjoy alone, but would not want your buddies to find out about? Then we talk about music related memories from those early days as kids, and young adults. Think, rock band shirts, mix tapes, and Mark even shares a Jimi Hendrix story you may not have heard.…