• Culture,  History,  Nostalgia

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 179 – Show Me The Way To Go Home

    In this fun-filled episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Mark Lindsay opens the discussion by talking about Doggerland. How much do we know about it, really? That brings forth the topic of human migration, Cheddar Man, and Mesolithic era mankind in the British isles. Next, Eloy Escagedo shares the history of his great uncle, who brought the first electrical service into his home town in Cuba. From there, the hosts branch off into several different topics that all seem to revolve around life in smaller towns, leaving us wondering if we can ever go home, or can home leave us, never to return. All in all, the Trampled Underfoot Podcast…

  • Culture,  Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 176 – Eclectic Variety

    We start off the discussion on YouTube channels that react to Rock Music and how it’s great to hear other people’s points of view of songs we discovered decades ago. This leads to reminiscing on other related thoughts about music. We then talk about communication, encounters with famous people, and friends we’ve met in real life after first meeting them online. We then go on with an eclectic variety of fun topics. Be sure to check out this episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast! We record LIVE every Tuesday evening at 9:30 pm Eastern, 6:30 pm Pacific time. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click that notification bell, then come join…

  • History,  Nostalgia,  Society,  Technology

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 174 – A Century Ago

    Things that turn 100 years old this year. You won’t believe it but it’s true! This topic sends us off in many interesting, entertaining, directions. Think of technology advances in the past century and the things that have come and gone. You know, those items we never thought would go away, but have. And those gadgets that we thought could not get any better, but have. There’s a lot to ponder and discuss, and all of it is great fun as we examine the 100 year theme! So kick back and enjoy this episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, with your hosts, Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo. Check it out!…

  • Inspiration,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 173 – Every Sense of the Word

    In this episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast Mark Lindsay is encouraged about the direction of music formats after a trip to his local big box retailer. The sudden appearance of some so-called “obsolete” goods were prominently displayed, which put a surprising amount of spring in his step for the rest of the day. This morphed into a discussion with Eloy Escagedo of our 5 senses, and everything we take for granted until they’re lost. There’s a lot to digest in this discussion, but we think you’ll find it palatable. There are a lot of digressions, segues, philosophical points, and just general rambling in this episode of the Trampled Underfoot…

  • Movies,  Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Technology,  Television

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 171 – Rock and Roll Juggernaut

    In this episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast Mark Lindsay goes into the background of one of the most influential hard rock bands of all time. A band that came from humble beginnings and exploded to meteoric heights in the late 70s and early 80s. What was behind their success? How did they become the musical powerhouse they are today? Eloy Escagedo gives his opinions, and the hosts discuss what was and what could have been. Next is a discussion of listening to music as an activity. Is music as important today as it was in decades past? We know that the way people experience music today is totally different…

  • Holiday,  Nostalgia,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 169 – The Sweet Tooth of Civility

    In this episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Mark Lindsay declares his love of Marshmallow Peeps. Is the return of a long dormant sweet tooth a result of age, or is it simple nostalgia? The hosts explore the possibilities, while keeping an eye on their respective snacks. Eloy Escagedo then introduces a discussion about rudeness in general, and a growing lack of civility in today’s society. What caused us to become so selfish and self centered? Can we ever pull ourselves back from the constant arguments and disregard for one another as fellow humans? Rude drivers, nasty people, chocolate rabbits, Easter Eggs, and our quest to try to live our comfortable…

  • Movies,  Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 160 – Let It Be – The Beatles Film Review

    In this episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo talk music. Since the release of the new 6-hour Peter Jackson film The Beatles – Let It Be, people have been reviewing the film and sharing their thoughts. Eloy got to see the film and shares his opinions on it with Mark. The two then branch out in a few directions that cover the topic. For instance – is there anything in the film that would attract younger music lovers to The Beatles? Is an episodic 6-hour epic just too long for anyone but die-hard fans? Would The Beatles have become the powerhouse band they became if…

  • Language,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Television

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 154 – Books, Cartoons, and Language

    Remember cartoons on TV like Space Ghost or Beanie and Cecil? Can you still sit through those as an adult? Did they age well, or are they too cringy to handle today? Years back we didn’t have internet, so reading comic books, or books in general, was a major part of our entertainment. What did you read for fun as a kid? Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo talk about it all, along with other topics such as language variations, accents, dialects, and a whole lot more on this eclectic and entertaining episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast! We record LIVE every Tuesday evening at 9:30 pm Eastern, 6:30 pm Pacific time.…

  • Holiday,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 151 – What’s That Smell?

    In Episode 151 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: It was Independence Day in the USA! Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay tell us about how they spent their 4th of July, and who rediscovered how much fun it can be. Next, what was the men’s cologne or aftershave that defined your generation? The hosts have very similar, as well as very different answers to that question. And no – Axe Body Spray was not one of them. Naturally, that discussion evolves into another discussion about the clothing of our childhood – with a slight twist. Did your aunts, uncles, or grandparents ever get you a gift that didn’t involve socks or…