• Art,  Movies,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 146 – The Center Of The Universe Is In Tulsa Oklahoma

    In Episode 146 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo know where the center of the universe is. Spoiler, according to some reports, it’s in Tulsa Oklahoma, and you’ll be amused by an interesting fact or two. Do you remember visiting your home town planetarium? There were so many fun things there to interact with as a kid. And by the way, this conversation reminds us of those gimmick stores we find in malls which have some neat gadgets too. Next, we talk about the biggest Comic Book deal in history, which is a story about Mile High Comics out in Colorado. This tale includes 12 cent…

  • Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 145 – Peace, Love, and Milli Vanilli

    In Episode 145 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo start the show off with the anniversaries of the release of 2 pivotal record albums – The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band and the Eagles’ self-titled debut album. The conversation goes in a few interesting directions as the hosts discuss their first exposure to those groups and their music. The discussion slowly transitions from rip-off bands to the evolution of rock in American music history. Could there ever be another sonic explosion of musical greatness like that which occurred in the era from the 1950s until the 1970s? Then, the scandal that was Milli Vanilli…

  • Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 143 – Music From The Mud

    In 1974, Ronnie Van Zant sang. “Now Muscle Shoals has got the Swampers. And they’ve been known to pick a song or two,” in the song Sweet Home Alabama. What the heck did he mean by that? In Episode 143 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Mark Lindsay shares facts about a very well made documentary titled Muscle Shoals that explains it. The conversation starts off with an examination of how people like Wilson Pickett, Aretha Franklin, Etta James, Clarence Carter, Percy Sledge, and Duane Allman, among others, came to this sleepy Alabama town to record some of the biggest hits in music history. How did it happen? Why that time…

  • History,  Nostalgia,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 140 – El Paso Salt Wars

    “Sir, This paper says that the land you’re standing on is mine. You’re going to have to move!” And the other man replied: “Well… this gun says otherwise!” In Episode 140 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Eloy Escagedo shares the story of the 1800s San Elizario Salt Wars, near El Paso, Texas with Mark Lindsay. For decades the townsfolk of San Elizario had been mining the near by salt flats, then taking the wagon loads of salt to market. That was until a wealthy investor came to town one day. Soon after, a series of events would unfold that became one of the wildest chapters of the American Wild West!…

  • History,  Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 132 – A Golden Flashback To The Summer Of 69, Before You Were Born, Remember Kids?

    In Episode 132 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Chicago the band, do you enjoy the early years more than the ballad years of the 80s? Mark Lindsay has some very direct opinions about it. Eloy Escagedo asks Mark; Didn’t the heart-felt, love ballads tug a little at your heart strings, Mark? Next the conversation gets into guilty pleasure music. Meaning, songs that’s you’d enjoy alone, but would not want your buddies to find out about? Then we talk about music related memories from those early days as kids, and young adults. Think, rock band shirts, mix tapes, and Mark even shares a Jimi Hendrix story you may not have heard.…

  • Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Society,  Technology

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 131 – Weird Episode

    In Episode 131 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast; it’s an eclectic, laid back ride through more subjects than we can count. We jumped around, talking about the earliest known recordings of the human voice, slips and falls, risky behavior, and getting stuck on an amusement park ride while listening to Huey Lewis sing “Stuck With You.” If that wasn’t enough, there were excursions into loss of equilibrium due to an injury, doing stupid things as a youngster, surgeries, and much, much more! We’ll keep you entertained in this hodge-podge of an episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast, with your hosts, Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo! We record LIVE every Tuesday evening…

  • Fashion,  Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 127 – Blue-Eyed Soul Music

    In Episode 127 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast; Mark Lindsay starts off with the topic of Blue-Eyed Soul music, which leads to a discussion of the mixing of genres in Top 40 radio back in the day. Eloy Escagedo tells about an album that literally brought tears to his eyes during a discussion about music you have changed your mind about. The hosts wind things up by taking you back to the clothes, attitudes, people, places, and things that automatically spring to mind when you hear a certain song. Do you have any tunes that make the memories come flooding back to you when you hear it? All of this,…

  • Inspiration,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 126 – This Messy Thing We Call Existence

    In this episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Mark Lindsay says; “We get one ride, we might as well have some fun with it.” We start our conversation about how we deal with life from our vantage point. Do we swim upstream, or do we float down the lazy river of life? Have we lost our ability to enjoy the fruits of our labors, or do we spend too much time just acquiring more, more, more? Cars, travel, tourism, driving for the pure pleasure of it, and more! Well, the hosts have some thoughts on this and they share them on this episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast. Lots of fun…

  • Current Events,  Movies,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Society,  Technology,  Television

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 123 – Upstream Conspiracy Tin Foil

    We start off this Special New Year’s episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast with a short segment on the giving and receiving of gifts, and how different it is when you’re an adult vs. when you were a child. Recent technical issues that caused Eloy to fall victim to the 2020 gremlins lead your hosts into a discussion about the entertainment industry in general, and the cable television companies in particular. Are we witnessing the demise of cable television as we know it? The conversation morphs into a look at the theater industry, and the havoc Covid as subjected it to. We know that some theaters have closed their doors…

  • Movies,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 122 – The Trampled Underfoot Podcast 2020 Christmas Special

    This year, it’s out of our hands. We just have to let it go. Even this episode fell victim to the 2020 gremlins, where we were plagued with connection issues. That out of the way, we talk about the joy of the season, and whether that has changed for us as the years have passed. Also, what was that one toy you just had to have? How about the Christmas food that you had growing up? The things that you ate then, that still bring you that holiday vibe? And how the heck does David Gilmour figure into all of this? It’s a jingle bell-ish romp through the memories of…