Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 50 – Undiscovered Cousins
In this episode, we talk about ancestry DNA tests for genealogical purposes and how they work. Eloy took an ancestry test, so Mark and Eloy talk about that. It turns out there’s a lot more than meets the eye. Is it possible there could be a connection between two guys from different decades, backgrounds, and on opposite sides of the continent who discuss life, the universe, and everything? This and many other topics on this eye-opening episode of The Trampled Underfoot Podcast!
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 49 – Moon Landing – Can you keep a secret?
In this episode, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo talk about this seminal moment in not just American history, but world history. Man’s first steps on the moon! The Trampled Underfoot crew can’t help but dive into the official and unofficial story. How can hundreds of thousands of people keep a secret of a conspiracy? Well Mark and Eloy share different scenarios and opinions on this loaded topic. We also talk about the efforts put into YouTube videos, and is it worth it? These conversations are fun and take a lot of twists. The Trampled Underfoot Podcast team gets into…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 48 – Netflix – Cool 80s – Learning to Drive
In an attempt to lighten up the topics this week, Mark and Eloy talk about the rise of Netflix, and the Stranger Things series. As is our style, we smoothly switch to the topic of very cool things that came about in the early 80s. This, of course, then digresses into a discussion about the cars of the day, and earlier, then learning to drive. Believe it or not, we bring up several other topics and have more cool conversations too. Sit back, relax, check it out, and enjoy!
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 47 – Family Lore and DNA
This week, Mark and Eloy talk about the story of people found isolated through time in the rural mountains of Spain. Does Eloy come from them? We think so. Who were they and why were they considered Jews or Moors? What did DNA testing find? Well then going to England we talk about Steve Nealon and how he found a nobleman way back in his family tree from back in the 1100s. He was married to the aunt of King Harold the first! Wow, lot’s of cool conversations. We also talk about a story Katie Dotson shared with us about Orson Welles and it’s a great one. Believe it or…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast Episode – 46 – Google, Simon Bolivar, and South America
In this episode of The Trampled Underfoot Podcast Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay talk about those congressional hearings with Google. Are they manipulating the data for nefarious reasons? Has there been an end to civil discourse? Can people with opposing opinions be nice to one another, or is that a dead practice? Then we go way out into left field and talk about Simon Bolivar, South America, and how history is written by the winners. This episode is a bit more somber than the previous episodes, but we hope you’ll enjoy it.