Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 111 – Movie Trailer Trash
Episode 111 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast starts with a conversation about landmark events in history, ignited by a bad joke. Suddenly, Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay find themselves talking about how important coffee is in society, culture, and social gatherings. That naturally (?) progresses into the topic of how the public at large views surprises in pop culture today. We rail at movie studios for giving away too much of a movie’s plot in a trailer – but will we ever go see the film if they don’t do that? All of this and a lot MORE in Episode 111 of The Trampled Underfoot Podcast! We record LIVE every…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 110 – Ipswich Clams
Episode 110 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast starts out as a mish-mash. First, Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay revisit the theme of cartoons from the 60s predicting the future. Then Mark cleans up the mess he made last week when bringing up the SS Warrimoo – the ship that existed in two different centuries at the same time. Finally, Eloy puts Mark on the spot with 6 fairly easy questions, that took way, way too long to answer, and required entirely too much thought on Mark’s part. We had a few other side trips as well, and you can be sure there’s a lot of fun and humor along the…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 108 – 100 Years Into The Future
In Episode 108 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, the hosts discuss the fact that tourist expectations are wildly different than what locals think about their hometowns. They talk a little bit about Miami and Hawaii and their observations on the subject. The next topic is about having a working title and artwork for this episode, but things went terribly wrong at YouTube. Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay talk about how YouTube canceled three different Live Streams they tried to set up to record this episode, and censorship in general. Then they diverge into a magazine article written back in 1901. The writer tried to envision what the future would look…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 103 – Head First
Episode 103 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast is a bit of an odyssey. Mark Lindsay starts off by talking about the work he’s done on a project at home. Then he and Eloy Escagedo discuss a very cool project just finished by Mark’s wife Linda. This brings up the topic of how people dressed back in the 1700s, which ultimately leads to a discussion of an extreme fighting sport – sort of a medieval styled cage fight. The duo then jump around to the story of a man who bought the world’s cheapest electric car online and had it shipped to the US. Finally, they dive head first into the…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 102 – As We Were Saying
This week, on Episode 102 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: What do you do when the technology you use everyday suddenly kicks the bucket? Do you remember how you functioned before having computers, instant videos, movies, music, and online business tools at your disposal? Well, you rush out to get a replacement. But its not always as easy as that. In this episode Eloy Escagedo deals with a PC crash of epic proportions, sharing his experience over the past week. This spurs on a conversation about technology in our lifetime. Then, for some reason, we end up talking about the tanning fad of the 80s and 90s. You’ll have to…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 95 – A Little Richard Story
In Episode 95 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Although it was before his generation, Eloy Escagedo use to sit and listen to the old-time Rock n Roll records. He was a student of music back then, and learning guitar. When learning an instrument like guitar, one tends to gravitate to the icons of prior decades for inspiration or just to pick up tunes. With the recent passing of Little Richard, Eloy shares his personal Little Richard story with Mark Lindsay. Little Richard was one of the original rock and rollers, and a huge inspiration for many of the big names we know and love today. The Trampled Underfoot Podcast crew…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 89 – It’s Tough to Shop with a Knee Pad On Your Face
This week, in Episode 89 of The Trampled underfoot Podcast: Eloy Escagedo wears knee pads into his local grocery store. Mark Lindsay shares a video series he discovered with his wife, causing her to sew her own clothes. Mark and Eloy discuss unnecessary laws, and when “the system” actually works. The leaning tower of San Francisco. Weird musicians. Earthquakes. Hurricanes. Concrete roofs. And much MORE! How much more? Let’s just say there’s plenty to discover, and plenty to enjoy in this episode of The Trampled Underfoot Podcast! We record LIVE every Tuesday evening at 9:30 pm Eastern, 6:30 pm Pacific time. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click that notification bell,…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 86 – A Deep Spanish Siesta and the Art of Coffee
We’re on lock down! Well, kind of. Some folks look forward to alone time. Well, that moment has come! Are we taking it too far? Are we not taking it far enough? Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo talk about a new classification of people – the Social Hermit. It turns out we were hermits before it was cool! What does any of this have to do with a Spanish Siesta or the Art of Coffee? You’ll have to listen to find out. (Spoiler alert: The answer is absolutely nothing.) We hope you’ll check it out! We record LIVE every Tuesday evening at 9:30 pm Eastern, 6:30 pm Pacific time. Subscribe…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 84 – Bagpipes Family Discipline and Junk Mail
Are you on the Do Not Call List? Is that list even relevant anymore? We are being overrun by junk mail and telemarketers. It’s so true! Mark and Eloy discuss and it leads to entertaining observations. Another thing that ticks us off is the route that software applications have gone in the past few years. You know – subscriptions with re-occurring payments as opposed to buying the product one time and being done with it. We get into this issue as well. Now this is a funny question to ask, but since it’s St. Patrick’s Day, we’ll go for it. Have you ever had a neighbor that plays the bagpipes?…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 82 – Exaggeramous
One time, Mark and Eloy cleared a whole Google Hangout just by touching on the subject of Ancient Egypt. They have certain powers, you could say. Well they talk about that at the start, and then move on to lessons they learned from their parents, which then trickles into the subject of YouTube and the direction it has gone in the past few years. Should you get into making YouTube videos? Curiously, they then ask and answer the question about preserving information digitally as opposed to physically. It’s an interesting conversation on a variety of subjects, so check it out! We record LIVE every Tuesday evening at 9:30 pm Eastern,…