Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 124 – Wives Tales and Superstitions
Superstitions! We all know that, according to Stevie Wonder, superstition ain’t the way. Well, we all have certain traditions that may border, or cross, the line into superstition. And Mark does not believe in ‘slapping fate in the face!’ Can you think of some superstitions or old wives tales you may have grown up with? Did you ever hear the one about the Elvis Presley superstition? Next, Eloy says that ‘I think that trolls were invented in 2005 when YouTube first started’, to which Mark replies ‘they have been around forever!’ We talk a bit about the troll scene, and how easy it must be to act like that sitting…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 73 – The Night They Drove Old Lindsay Down
“If you listen to the music, it will go through certain cycles…” – Lindsay “It was a town surrounded by fields, farmlands…” – Escagedo “You have to really plan ahead if you’re going to do something on the shady side…” – Lindsay “And some were waterworn, rotted…” – Escagedo What are they talking about? Well, in probably the most unconventional New Year’s episode of a podcast, Eloy & Mark talk about Christmas Muzak, family histories, Christmas 2019, small town vs big city, and a couple of other interesting things. No noisemakers, no shouting, no loud celebrations. Just two guys from different decades, backgrounds, and opposite sides of the continent, discussing…