• Conspiracy,  Culture,  Current Events,  Social Media,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 165 – Flat Earth Revival Symposium

    If you’ve gotten this far, both in our podcast journey and far enough in this to read these lines, you can be described as or fall under a variety of categories. We won’t touch that. Just go ahead and check out this episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast. We discuss, sometimes heatedly, the flat earth and some less talked about questions under the topic of conspiracy theories. We record LIVE every Tuesday evening at 9:30 pm Eastern, 6:30 pm Pacific time. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, click that notification bell, then come join us! Follow us on Facebook, and leave us a comment or suggest a topic!

  • Conspiracy,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 148 – Proof of the Lizard People

    In Episode 148 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Is there proof of the existence of the Lizard People? If so, what is the proof? It is said that the Lizard people, aka Reptilians, walk among us. They say that they’re inter-dimensional, and that they shape shift. They look like you or I, and hold the highest positions of power in society. As Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay discuss the story, they do mention that they are open to ideas, as long as there is some form of evidence. As Mark says: “You can have a theory about anything, but the preponderance of the evidence, is going to decide the veracity…

  • Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 142 – The Problem With Conspiracy Theories

    In Episode 142 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: We revisit the topic of conspiracy theories. Mark Lindsay recalls our most popular episode on YouTube is the one titled “Rendezvous with the Lizard People.” The conversation starts off with people that take a little bit of information, and run wild with it. Why is it that the first source of info is automatically believed, but all other info (even from the same source) can’t be believed? We delve into it further, but ultimately the decision is yours. There’s more in this episode than can be described here, so pull up a pineapple, prepare to take notes, keep an open mind, and…

  • Pop Culture,  Society,  Technology,  Television

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 141 – Captain Midnight and the Butterscotch Conspiracy

    In Episode 141 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Captain Midnight made headlines 35 years ago, when he interrupted HBO’s satellite feed. Who was he and what was his problem, anyway? The subject of modern technology and convenience rears its ugly head again – this time in a more friendly way. Given all that we have now, both good and bad, could or would we ever want to go back? The episode continues with Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay discussing cans of nuts on the night stand, dishes full of butterscotch candies on the coffee table, and ends with a mystery that gets presented and solved LIVE! There’s something for everyone…

  • History,  Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 113 – Geronimo

    Episode 113 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast starts off with two hosts who have no idea what to talk about. Situation normal, right? When Eloy Escagedo shares what the podcast is about, Mark Lindsay can’t help but pick up on one of those topics, and run with it. So what do the world’s mysteries, open mindedness, brain-eating aliens, Geronimo, and EVH have in common? Absolutely nothing – but that’s never stopped them before. Episode 113 of The Trampled Underfoot Podcast is a look into the minds of two guys from opposite sides of the continent who are roaming free, with no adult supervision. Scary, but fun! We record LIVE every…

  • Current Events,  History,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 104 – Fashionably Late With Nowhere To Go

    Episode 104 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast is a bit different. Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay begin the episode by touching on the explosion in Lebanon. Their initial thoughts were discussed, but remember that the episode was recorded only a few hours after the explosion occurred. As the conversation gets deeper, as they often do, the subject of conspiracies comes up. Mark then says that Eloy is a bit more speculative by nature, while Mark tends to be more observational. Well, that just starts a back and forth because Eloy was not having it! The Trampled Team then gets into some old favorite discussions such as the moon landing and…

  • Music,  Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 93 – Rendezvous with the Lizard People

    In Episode 93 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Eloy tells us about running across the subject of The Lizard People soon after buying his first personal computer, and getting connected to the internet. He then explains what he’s read about the “Reptilian Agenda” in recent times, and how he thinks they’re popular counter-culture figures that have gained prominence due to this theory. He and Mark discuss another theory that the agenda has been depicted in cultures around the world in the past. In the process, they briefly touch on Art Bell from “Coast to Coast Radio,” as well as the movie “They Live.” Finally, they lighten it up with a…

  • Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 92 – Woman, Guadalajara Won’t Do

    In Episode 92 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Eloy Escagedo asked Mark Lindsay’s opinion on to two lists of topics, on a scale of favorable to least favorable. First Eloy went through a series of Conspiracy Theories to see what Mark thinks. We discussed many popular theories, ranging from the New World Order to the New Coke Conspiracy. Then we lightened things up with a list of 1970s rock bands to see where Mark places them. Has he even heard of some of these bands? Will Eloy pop a forehead vein when he hears Mark’s opinion? Find out! Emotions run high in this episode, so you’ll want to check this…

  • History,  Nostalgia,  Podcast,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Technology

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 49 – Moon Landing – Can you keep a secret?

    In this episode, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo talk about this seminal moment in not just American history, but world history. Man’s first steps on the moon! The Trampled Underfoot crew can’t help but dive into the official and unofficial story. How can hundreds of thousands of people keep a secret of a conspiracy? Well Mark and Eloy share different scenarios and opinions on this loaded topic. We also talk about the efforts put into YouTube videos, and is it worth it? These conversations are fun and take a lot of twists. The Trampled Underfoot Podcast team gets into…