• History,  Nostalgia,  Society,  Technology

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 174 – A Century Ago

    Things that turn 100 years old this year. You won’t believe it but it’s true! This topic sends us off in many interesting, entertaining, directions. Think of technology advances in the past century and the things that have come and gone. You know, those items we never thought would go away, but have. And those gadgets that we thought could not get any better, but have. There’s a lot to ponder and discuss, and all of it is great fun as we examine the 100 year theme! So kick back and enjoy this episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, with your hosts, Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo. Check it out!…

  • History,  Nostalgia,  Photography,  Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 120 – 20th Century Man and Secrets of the Pyramids

    Do you consider yourself a 20th or 21st Century person? Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay talk about where we stand on the subject, and acknowledge that we got to see the invention of the light bulb and flushable toilets! All silliness aside, they then take a moment to mention the people and things we are thankful for. Next the crew tackles the mystery of who built the pyramids. It would seem there may actually be an answer! No joke! We may actually know what happened. You can decide if it is valid. We bet you haven’t heard this theory before! Finally Mark and Eloy talk about some interesting video finds…

  • History,  Pop Culture,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 119 – Ancestor Animal Temple

    Time in general is a weird thing. Sometimes we don’t notice its passing at all. Other times it seems as if it’s passing too quickly. What are your thoughts? The hosts then talk about man’s relationship with animals. Do animals make unnecessary noises when they’re bored, or are humans the only creatures that do that? Does everything an animal does have a purpose, and how do they differ from humans in that way? Then they branch off into a discussion about bugs, an amazing temple in India, and whether or not we’re any smarter than our ancestors were. This is an entertaining episode of Trampled Underfoot podcast. Check it out!…

  • History,  Movies,  Music,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Technology

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 47 – Family Lore and DNA

    This week, Mark and Eloy talk about the story of people found isolated through time in the rural mountains of Spain. Does Eloy come from them? We think so. Who were they and why were they considered Jews or Moors? What did DNA testing find? Well then going to England we talk about Steve Nealon and how he found a nobleman way back in his family tree from back in the 1100s. He was married to the aunt of King Harold the first! Wow, lot’s of cool conversations. We also talk about a story Katie Dotson shared with us about Orson Welles and it’s a great one. Believe it or…

  • History,  Music,  Nostalgia,  Podcast,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Technology,  Television

    Trampled Underfoot – 020 – Trampled New Year

    In this episode: Can you believe that this year came and went? YouTube broke and so many other things. 1984 still sounds like a long time away! We are closer right now to the year 2030 than the year 2000.Time is going faster and faster. There are people who voted this year that were born in the year 2000. We’re getting close to people that don’t know that Jay Leno hosted the Tonight Show! We went from black and white televisions with an antenna to color TV and cable. Who watches TV now anyway? We all stream content from the computer. We’ve moved on! I’m glad I have an iPod…