Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 120 – 20th Century Man and Secrets of the Pyramids
Do you consider yourself a 20th or 21st Century person? Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay talk about where we stand on the subject, and acknowledge that we got to see the invention of the light bulb and flushable toilets! All silliness aside, they then take a moment to mention the people and things we are thankful for. Next the crew tackles the mystery of who built the pyramids. It would seem there may actually be an answer! No joke! We may actually know what happened. You can decide if it is valid. We bet you haven’t heard this theory before! Finally Mark and Eloy talk about some interesting video finds…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 118 – It’s the 2020 Thanksgiving, Charlie Brown!
Thanksgiving 2020 is here! So what do we have in store for this special episode? We ask the question that “If we went back in time, say to, the 1800s, or even further back, would people understand us?” We explore this “what if” subject which leads to some interesting thoughts. Next we talk about some genealogy surprises about the Mayflower which we’ll let you find out about as you listen to the show. This conversation leads us into a lot of fun back and forth about the past. You’ll enjoy this episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast, check it out! We record LIVE every Tuesday evening at 9:30 pm Eastern, 6:30…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 115 – The 2020 Halloween Show
A nostalgic, spooky episode of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast is coming your way, as Mark and Eloy reminisce about Halloween in days long past. Do you remember the costumes you wore as a kid? Do you remember the last costume you wore, or the last time you went out for Trick or Treat? The duo then talk about the horror movies we grew up with and some of the many changes made to the motion picture industry over the years – especially in the Horror genre. That discussion leads its way into a conversation about the legend of the werewolf in cultures around the world. Who knew it was as…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 114 – Florida Man Cuts Himself Shaving
Episode 114 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast starts off on a lighter note, with Mark and Eloy talking about shaving incidents. How do you cut your finger while shaving your whiskers? Let’s face it; men do some strange things to stay looking young. The first half of this episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast is about vanity, and how we deal with aging. The second half of the episode is a conversation of the old Low Budget Horror Movies, and the theaters we went to growing up. In fact we touch on many of the things kids back in our time did for fun, and some great stories are shared. Just…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 113 – Geronimo
Episode 113 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast starts off with two hosts who have no idea what to talk about. Situation normal, right? When Eloy Escagedo shares what the podcast is about, Mark Lindsay can’t help but pick up on one of those topics, and run with it. So what do the world’s mysteries, open mindedness, brain-eating aliens, Geronimo, and EVH have in common? Absolutely nothing – but that’s never stopped them before. Episode 113 of The Trampled Underfoot Podcast is a look into the minds of two guys from opposite sides of the continent who are roaming free, with no adult supervision. Scary, but fun! We record LIVE every…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 111 – Movie Trailer Trash
Episode 111 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast starts with a conversation about landmark events in history, ignited by a bad joke. Suddenly, Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay find themselves talking about how important coffee is in society, culture, and social gatherings. That naturally (?) progresses into the topic of how the public at large views surprises in pop culture today. We rail at movie studios for giving away too much of a movie’s plot in a trailer – but will we ever go see the film if they don’t do that? All of this and a lot MORE in Episode 111 of The Trampled Underfoot Podcast! We record LIVE every…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 110 – Ipswich Clams
Episode 110 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast starts out as a mish-mash. First, Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay revisit the theme of cartoons from the 60s predicting the future. Then Mark cleans up the mess he made last week when bringing up the SS Warrimoo – the ship that existed in two different centuries at the same time. Finally, Eloy puts Mark on the spot with 6 fairly easy questions, that took way, way too long to answer, and required entirely too much thought on Mark’s part. We had a few other side trips as well, and you can be sure there’s a lot of fun and humor along the…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 108 – 100 Years Into The Future
In Episode 108 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, the hosts discuss the fact that tourist expectations are wildly different than what locals think about their hometowns. They talk a little bit about Miami and Hawaii and their observations on the subject. The next topic is about having a working title and artwork for this episode, but things went terribly wrong at YouTube. Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay talk about how YouTube canceled three different Live Streams they tried to set up to record this episode, and censorship in general. Then they diverge into a magazine article written back in 1901. The writer tried to envision what the future would look…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 107 – Eat Crow
In Episode 107 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Eloy and Mark begin by talking about re-occurring numbers. Most of us have noticed a particular set of numbers that seem to follow us through our lives. Coincidence, or is there something more to it? There is a famous Beatle that had a certain number constantly appear through his life. Can you guess who? The guys then switch over to a topic suggested by a loyal listener through our Facebook page, by discussing Cover Tunes. They talk about covers that were more popular than the original, which covers they really didn’t like, and tunes that they didn’t even know were covers. Some…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 106 – Dos Pistoleros
It was National Fajita Day and Mark had pizza! Eloy didn’t know about the holiday, but this lead to a discussion about food. The Trampled Underfoot Podcast duo get into the various food options that America has to offer. In fact, what would you define as authentic American food? Is there really such a thing as American food? It’s like we have a little bit of this and that from region to region. The shear number of cultures that have added their delicacies to the national menu is staggering. How do you decide what type of food you’re going to choose, let alone which meal within that type? We’re sure…