Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 105 – Tale of Two Cities
Episode 105 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast is a trip back to the podcast’s roots. Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay have always been fans of music. But how was it that these rock stars started out as seemingly ordinary people, then became so amazing at their craft? And what was up with the 60s trend of the music industry releasing singles that weren’t on the newly released album they were promoting at the time? The discussion winds its way around to the injection of Hip-Hop into Rock and Roll. How does this trend compare to to the infusion of Disco and Rock back in the 70s? Is the blurring of…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 101 – Home Room 101
This week, on Episode 101 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Eloy Escagedo explains why and how he spent a good part of Junior High school kissing some girl in the hallway. Mark Lindsay talks about his rather boring school days in the SF Bay Area. They then get into a fun exchange about the blending of cultures in America, and some of the great things about so many people coming to this country from other nations. Things switch over to a discussion about making money as a youth – everything from mowing lawns to getting that first job. Mark and Eloy then discuss the apparent lack of discipline in the…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 100 – Top 10 Songs That Kick You Into Overdrive
This week is the Trampled Underfoot Podcast 100th Episode Special! Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay each pick their Top 10 songs that kick them into overdrive! These are song that we feel make you want to get up and Rock! Mark and Eloy each brought their best tunes to the table this time. While this isn’t a competition, who do you think has the better list? Would you pick different tunes? They also posted their lists over on the Trampled Underfoot Facebook Page for you to peruse. They even included links to some of the lesser known tunes, so check it out at the link to the Facebook page below!…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 99 – 99 Ways From Sunday
In Episode 99 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay talk about the mental images that pop into your mind when you hear a group or musician’s music. Love them or hate them, performers like Mick Jagger, MC Hammer, Milli Vanilli, or Mark Knopfler make you think of certain scenes or pictures, and in some cases the images are not good! Then the duo get into the behind-the-scenes drama that a lot of groups go through. Some of that drama breaks up the group, and some of it makes them write some of their best music. Why is that the case? The pair discuss it. We record…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 98 – You Can’t Fix Stupid
In Episode 98 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, we tackle various topics. Those 1960s music videos were crazy! They would pan, zoom, and wiggle the camera like mad! Why? Well, Mark Lindsay has some thoughts on that. Next, Eloy Escagedo can’t get over the manner in which so many out there are willing to resort to violence. We are talking about the riots and attitudes that have been on display here in America and around the world. Finally the duo go through a list of English sayings we take for granted. Do we really know the meaning behind these phrases? All in all, it’s a great episode, and one that’s…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 97 – I Like Mine Mild, With Tabasco
In Episode 97 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo discuss a very important topic here in the US – Hot Sauce! How do you like it? Hot and sweaty, or sweet and spicy? In the interim, we also give mustard and fry sauce an honorable mention, but all in all, it’s the spicier side of the condiment aisle we’re working on here. Then the conversational duo slam it into overdrive and open a discussion suggested by one of our loyal viewers/listeners – Women in Rock. We all have our favorites. We may like some more than others. We do think that women have to work harder…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 95 – A Little Richard Story
In Episode 95 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast: Although it was before his generation, Eloy Escagedo use to sit and listen to the old-time Rock n Roll records. He was a student of music back then, and learning guitar. When learning an instrument like guitar, one tends to gravitate to the icons of prior decades for inspiration or just to pick up tunes. With the recent passing of Little Richard, Eloy shares his personal Little Richard story with Mark Lindsay. Little Richard was one of the original rock and rollers, and a huge inspiration for many of the big names we know and love today. The Trampled Underfoot Podcast crew…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 94 – The Ugly Ignoramus and Pepe the Dancing Turtle
In Episode 94 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, now that we’re about 60 days out from the start of the Corona virus lockdowns, have your thoughts on all this changed? Do you still have the same opinions on the subject that you had when this all hit the fan? What insights have you gained, and would you have done anything different? Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo share their thoughts! Then the podcast turns to some Viking burial discoveries Eloy ran across surfing the web. The topics then come at a fast and furious pace. Eloy’s ancestor, the famous chronicler of Spanish history, the Transcontinental Railroad, how Mark ran over his…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 92 – Woman, Guadalajara Won’t Do
In Episode 92 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Eloy Escagedo asked Mark Lindsay’s opinion on to two lists of topics, on a scale of favorable to least favorable. First Eloy went through a series of Conspiracy Theories to see what Mark thinks. We discussed many popular theories, ranging from the New World Order to the New Coke Conspiracy. Then we lightened things up with a list of 1970s rock bands to see where Mark places them. Has he even heard of some of these bands? Will Eloy pop a forehead vein when he hears Mark’s opinion? Find out! Emotions run high in this episode, so you’ll want to check this…
Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 88 – Rockin’ 88
“When did you start playing drums Mark?” That’s where this episode kicks off at. Mark Lindsay shares his stories of how he picked up the instrument and how his Dad, being a night shift worker, reacted to his son’s new found interest. We follow up on the subject of drums and talk about famous musicians and who are the most under-rated drummers of Rock. Then Eloy Escagedo shares a story from a Rock documentary he saw on the life of Vince Taylor. And from that the Trampled Underfoot Duo tackle 1960s culture in the US. All that and more in episode 88 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast! We record LIVE…