• History,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 101 – Home Room 101

    This week, on Episode 101 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Eloy Escagedo explains why and how he spent a good part of Junior High school kissing some girl in the hallway. Mark Lindsay talks about his rather boring school days in the SF Bay Area. They then get into a fun exchange about the blending of cultures in America, and some of the great things about so many people coming to this country from other nations. Things switch over to a discussion about making money as a youth – everything from mowing lawns to getting that first job. Mark and Eloy then discuss the apparent lack of discipline in the…

  • Current Events,  Nostalgia,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 87 – 20% French Dip

    Eloy is 20% French Dip? Yes. He figured it’s his birthday, it’s the end of the world, so why not indulge with some fast food? But he soon regretted it! In all fairness, its both Mark Lindsay’s and Eloy’s birthday this month. So what’s wrong with a little bit of overindulgence? That leads to the cast talking about age, wisdom, and life lessons learned. The duo then talk about current events, the pandemic to be more precise, and learning self sufficiency, independence, and simple skills like being able to cook for yourself – something that is sorely lacking these days, it would appear. We hope you’ll check it out! We…

  • Current Events,  Nostalgia,  Social Media,  Technology

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 86 – A Deep Spanish Siesta and the Art of Coffee

    We’re on lock down! Well, kind of. Some folks look forward to alone time. Well, that moment has come! Are we taking it too far? Are we not taking it far enough? Mark Lindsay and Eloy Escagedo talk about a new classification of people – the Social Hermit. It turns out we were hermits before it was cool! What does any of this have to do with a Spanish Siesta or the Art of Coffee? You’ll have to listen to find out. (Spoiler alert: The answer is absolutely nothing.) We hope you’ll check it out! We record LIVE every Tuesday evening at 9:30 pm Eastern, 6:30 pm Pacific time. Subscribe…

  • History,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – Episode 77 – Working On Mysteries Without Any Clues

    This week we put on our exploration hats, and strike out for adventure! We get into the romanticized image of the Old American West, and look at our perception of the time versus reality. We take apart the sanitized version of the Old West that was fed to us by movies, radio, and TV, then get into the iconic movie that blew that entire pop culture genre apart. We then wade into potentially dangerous waters by discussing the culture and ethnicities that populated the New World. There are people that trace their origins back to various countries in the old world, so what were their stories? Why were they ignored…