• Holiday,  Nostalgia,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 169 – The Sweet Tooth of Civility

    In this episode of Trampled Underfoot Podcast, Mark Lindsay declares his love of Marshmallow Peeps. Is the return of a long dormant sweet tooth a result of age, or is it simple nostalgia? The hosts explore the possibilities, while keeping an eye on their respective snacks. Eloy Escagedo then introduces a discussion about rudeness in general, and a growing lack of civility in today’s society. What caused us to become so selfish and self centered? Can we ever pull ourselves back from the constant arguments and disregard for one another as fellow humans? Rude drivers, nasty people, chocolate rabbits, Easter Eggs, and our quest to try to live our comfortable…

  • Current Events,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 128 – Done Dirt Cheap

    In Episode 128 of the Trampled Underfoot Podcast; You know those people who, while in conversation or in writing, mention themselves first? We’re not sure, but that does not seem right to us. Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay talk about this with entertaining stories and examples. Next the hosts talk about a possible cashless society of the future, with implants we carry under our skin, bearing all our information. Does that sound even remotely feasible? But then again, we’re assuming that the future will be more advanced than the present, or that society will advance along the same trajectory we’re currently following. You’ll hear the host’s thoughts on this topic…

  • Holiday,  Pop Culture,  Social Media,  Society

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast – 124 – Wives Tales and Superstitions

    Superstitions! We all know that, according to Stevie Wonder, superstition ain’t the way. Well, we all have certain traditions that may border, or cross, the line into superstition. And Mark does not believe in ‘slapping fate in the face!’ Can you think of some superstitions or old wives tales you may have grown up with? Did you ever hear the one about the Elvis Presley superstition? Next, Eloy says that ‘I think that trolls were invented in 2005 when YouTube first started’, to which Mark replies ‘they have been around forever!’ We talk a bit about the troll scene, and how easy it must be to act like that sitting…

  • History,  Nostalgia,  Podcast,  Pop Culture

    Trampled Underfoot Podcast Episode – 46 – Google, Simon Bolivar, and South America

    In this episode of The Trampled Underfoot Podcast Eloy Escagedo and Mark Lindsay talk about those congressional hearings with Google. Are they manipulating the data for nefarious reasons? Has there been an end to civil discourse? Can people with opposing opinions be nice to one another, or is that a dead practice? Then we go way out into left field and talk about Simon Bolivar, South America, and how history is written by the winners. This episode is a bit more somber than the previous episodes, but we hope you’ll enjoy it.